Hund Tini
Date of birth 05.07.2001
Died on 10.06.2009
39.031 12.441 9.245
Meerli Tayger-Amaru
Date of birth 09.09.2008
Died on 15.07.2013
33.859 17.616 10.545
Hund Andy
Date of birth 18.08.1998
Died on 14.09.2008
22.287 7.632 3.903
Hund Diara von Brunnbären
Date of birth 28.01.2003
Died on 01.10.2014
28.272 11.331 7.575
Meerli Mecki McGiver
Date of birth 03.01.2004
Died on 13.10.2007
27.275 10.360 6.564
Meerschweinchen Yuma
Date of birth 25.03.2008
Died on 17.05.2008
27.572 9.493 6.158
Meerlibub Yoshua Anthony
Date of birth 09.05.2013
Died on 12.06.2018
9.093 5.937 4.632
🐾🐾 Namenlose Tiere 🐾🐾
Date of birth 01.05.2024
Died on 01.05.2024
54.282 31.345 2.835
Hund Jumping
Date of birth 22.03.2005
Died on 23.04.2019
13.205 4.551 3.765
Brandopfer Zoo Krefeld 🌈 Silvester 2019/2020
Date of birth 01.05.1971
Died on 01.01.2020
36.382 13.680 2.349
Date of birth 25.12.2008
Died on 16.10.2020
7.940 2.372 2.722
Hund DORA und MAKS
Date of birth 29.03.2009
Died on 02.05.2023
4.107 1.473 1.457
Date of birth 23.09.2010
Died on 26.01.2023
3.185 1.198 1.146
Mein bester Freund Steve
Date of birth 06.08.2003
Died on 05.10.2010
4.165 689
Hund Timmy
Date of birth 06.12.2001
Died on 25.11.2017
50.305 34.021 1.235
Hund Teddy S
Date of birth 08.10.2005
Died on 15.09.2015
232.875 290.307 3.303
Meerschweinchen Zenzi
Date of birth 26.08.2005
Died on 16.11.2012
105.923 71.121 7.222
Kater Luca und Marley
Date of birth 12.04.2009
Died on 13.12.2017
58.002 23.673 5.137
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