Peterle, Flecki, Polly und Dobby, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 21.05.2004
Died on 09.03.2008
225.531 112.421 23.376

Harri and Muckelsche, In Loving Memorie
Date of birth 26.04.2004
Died on 15.06.2011
212.961 203.750 33.529

Chico Luis Rocky Gina meine Engel🐶❤😭🦴, Hund
Date of birth 08.09.2013
Died on 25.01.2022
167.875 126.167 6.847

Flecki, Meerschweinchendame, Kleintier
Date of birth 05.11.2002
Died on 12.10.2008
139.610 63.831 14.895

💝 Mein DreamTeam Fabi & Fredi 💝, Kater
Date of birth 12.08.2005
Died on 04.03.2011
93.520 85.054 421

Daisy❤️️ℐ 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊, Meine Seelenkatze (ღ˘⌣˘)♥
Date of birth 09.05.1989
Died on 20.02.2008
88.394 29.582 3.360

Meine Hündin🐕 Ruby💕, Meine Katze🐈 Lilli💕und
Date of birth 13.05.1986
Died on 08.02.2003
62.164 53.142 230

Mama Mara💗,Angelo💗 und Alice 💗, Zebrafinken
Date of birth 13.12.2006
Died on 29.07.2009
58.115 23.694 2.221

Florentina mein kleines Hexchen, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 22.12.2011
Died on 09.05.2014
56.131 27.526 9.976

Bubi,Prinz,Bamse,Lastro, Strolchi & Freunde, Hund
Date of birth 07.10.1987
Died on 07.02.2000
54.425 31.998 731

💖Heather,💖 Hannah,💖 Joy 💖, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 02.01.2007
Died on 22.07.2010
50.721 21.050 1.613

Calimero mein kleiner Zwerglein, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 05.09.2013
Died on 25.09.2015
46.467 21.054 10.280

Otto,Peter,Susi,Clausi,Prinz & Freunde, Vogel
Date of birth 02.07.1976
Died on 22.07.1984
45.595 27.783 725

Hope, meine kleine Omi , Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 03.08.2008
Died on 10.02.2016
43.989 20.492 8.705

Lora,Timo, Jacko Dittgen & Freunde, GrauPapageien
Date of birth 07.05.1970
Died on 27.06.1973
42.262 26.840 406

Wir SUCHEN EUCH!, Josephine, Lora & Toddy
Date of birth 22.07.1988
Died on 04.07.1991
41.565 29.554 310

Igel,Hasen,Rehe,Füchse,Vögel & Tiere auf der, Regenbogenland
Date of birth 08.07.2011
Died on 08.07.2011
39.870 25.572 314

Silvester 2019/2020, Brandopfer Zoo Krefeld 🌈
Date of birth 01.05.1971
Died on 01.01.2020
36.382 13.680 2.349

💖Camilla💖 Carlos💖 Carlotta💖, Meerschweinchenfamilie Gwendolyna und ihre Kinder
Date of birth 17.07.2013
Died on 10.02.2019
35.569 14.258 892

💜 Pipi & 🧡 Florili, Meine Liebe Tini & mein Florili
Date of birth 06.04.2003
Died on 06.03.2017
35.320 29.159 28

Chicco,Ozzi & Freunde IHR Seid ALLE Unvergessen, Papagei
Date of birth 28.02.2012
Died on 24.12.2012
34.603 22.514 267

Date of birth 02.06.1965
Died on 02.06.1974
31.261 18.669 455

💖 Rosalie 💖 Ronja 💖 Robinia 💖, Meerschweinchengeschwister
Date of birth 20.10.2011
Died on 22.10.2015
28.871 11.581 803

Zoe und Hermine unforgettable..., ❤️️Meerlis❤️️
Date of birth 08.04.2011
Died on 11.08.2017
28.325 11.134 725

Sophia 💗 Kira 💗 Rosina ❤️⭐️, Kanarienvögel 🐥Die Geschwister
Date of birth 04.03.2010
Died on 01.02.2015
27.725 12.105 644

Date of birth 14.03.2017
Died on 14.03.2017
22.645 12.428 129

Cetric und alle meine Engelchen, Katze
Date of birth 00.00.0000
Died on 00.00.0000
22.147 45.700 462
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